Teen Advisory Board / TAB
About TAB
TAB is a group of innovative and energetic teens in Grades 6 to 12, who help shape the future of the Library by developing programs and services, recommending materials for purchase, and promoting the Library to other teens. TAB meets twice a month and has a blast creating new ways to make the Library "teen friendly."

How to Join TAB
Applications are only accepted from May 1 through October 1.
Membership in TAB is by application and acceptance.
Completion of an application does not guarantee acceptance.
Members of TAB must attend meetings on a regular basis.
Members are expected to participate in meeting conversations and contribute ideas.
Members are required to volunteer a minimum of ten hours per year and write at least two reviews of Library materials per year.
Members must have a valid e-mail account that is checked regularly.
Failure to meet requirements could result in loss of membership.
TAB Members Only
Check the right sidebar for TAB meeting dates and times. See below for important messages and reminders.
There are no messages at this time.